martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

Bye first semester!

This semester was weird, in the academic way it’s had been a little bit stressful because of all the things that happened like the strike and all the lost time, in a that way I’m very glad that this semester is over. In a more personal way has been a very good semester, I started to go to therapy and has been an amazing expierence, my psychologist is amazing and he helped me to knowing myself and make it trough a lot of issues, that’s had been one of the best things about this first semester.
In general this was a very ok semester, I watched a lot of tv series during the strike, so it wasn’t all a waste of time. In this point I don’t know if the next semester it’s gonna be all that good, I mean, we’re gonna finish the classes in january so, thats a shame, and my heart is so broken right now that maybe the next semester will be bullshit, but I’m trying to look the bright side.

So this semester wasn’t that great but it was ok, I could be a lot worse but I think I sruvived almost intact. So that’s all folks! See you around :)

martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

A day to remember

In 2012 a band that I love so much, Passion Pit, were coming to Lollapalooza, so with a friend we went to the hotel to see them, so we were there at 10 o'clock i think, and we wait for them to came out. At 2 in the morning they came out but for another door, so we ran to see them but they were gone to a party, so we wait for them to came back. At 4 in the morning they came back and we were the only two people in the hotel, so we screamed for the frontman to came closer to us, and he did, he signed our notebooks, and that was the happiest day in my life.

jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015


I love a lot of movies, I thinks my favorites movies are Brokeback Mountain, Juno, Little Miss Sunshine, the list can goes on and on, but my favorite of all time is The Beauty and The Beast, is the most beautiful movie ever made, the animation es great, the music is amazing, the story is so well written, it has romance, adventure, magic all the good stuffs, every time I watched it is a emotional journey for me, I love it with all my heart.

And a film that I hate iis The Exorcist, I mean, is a very good movie, but I hate it because it's scare the shit out of me, I can't watch it at all, I hear the stupid music and my heart just stops, it's the worst thing ever, I hate Alien to because I hate that monster it's so horrible :(

martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

The Enviroment

I really don’t care about the enviroment at all, I mean, it’s sad that people don’t care but It’s not my personal fight, I normally fight about equallity and respect between people, so the whole enviroment thing it’s not very interesting to me.

The only thing that I normally do it’s not throwing garbage on the floor, because, i mean, It’s like the basic thing to do. Anyways I don’t ride bicycle, I smoke a lot, I always throw de used oil in the sink, so I am the worst people in taking care of the enviroment, I don’t even care about the animals dying around the world, I’m the worst fucking person in this planet, but, like I said before, this is not my fight, and i know ther are a lot of people fighting for this kind of things in every place, maybe if I have somebody that reminds me to do this kind of things everyday, maybe, but in my family and my circle of friends It’s not very relevant. Maybe because of me and people like me this world will end soon, but this planet it’s already shit so, the end of the world doesn’t sound like a terrible idea after all.

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

The perfect song

The perfect song is really difficult to think, I have a lot of favorite songs but if I have to choose one, holy shit, this is difficult. I'm going to put three because I can't chose only one.
First: The Smiths - Asleep, this song reminds me of my depressing and heart broken days in high school, when I cried everytime that I listened to this, the lyrics and the music is so sad, it's like the perfect sad song for de teenage angst.
Second: Passion Pit - Cuddle Fuddle, this song is so amazing and I don't know why, I love the band and I love the sound of the frontman's voice, and I love the lyrics, is so sweet, and is amazing.
and the last one: Breakbot - Baby I'm yours, this song is so good, never bored me, I can listen anytime and is always great, and the video is so cool, is painted with I don't know how many water painting, but it's just amazing.
So there it is, three of my favorite songs ever.


martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

The future

I don´t really know what I´m going to do in the future, I think I will like to travel, first for North America, then Europe and then Asia maybe. I´m not sure about in what I would like to work, I was thinking about being an art teacher, but I´m not sure, what Iam sure about is that I like to study cinmatography after I finish this career. I don´t have a lot of hopes about the world in the future, I think It will be just like now, just a place full of shit, but maybe a place to be whatever the people want to be is a good dream. Maybe that´s one of the reasons to be a teacher or a films director, to show people a different way t olive their lives and be fine with it, I´m talking like a Miss Universe or something like that, but whatever, It´s how I think.

Talking about things I wanna do in the future, well the first thing is going to Dinseyworld and meet Beauty and the beast and Goofy and Donald and all that kids shits that I love so much, after that I don´t know really, my really true dream is going to Disneyworld so, when that happens I can rest in peace.

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Best Concert: Morrissey 2012

I’ve been in a lot of concerts, my favorite ones: Passion pit. The killers, and Ed Sheeran, but maybe the one that blew me away was the Morrissey concert in 2012. I haven’t bought tickets so I thought I wasn’t going, but the day before, a friend told me that she won 2 vip tickets, so she invited me. The day of the concert we went to the Movistar Arena and when we went inside there was like a party with a lot of food and drinks for the vip people like us, so we ate a lot and we get very drunk before the show,. We were in Vip so Morrissey was extremely closet o us, so we can see him perfectly and he played a lot of my favorite songs from him and form The Smiths. I think I cried when he sang Everyday is like sunday, he hits me right in the heart with that song, and he san Pleas, Pleas, Please let me get what I want, song that I never expected in the show. It was a lucky day and a perfect concert like everything Mozz do. I had a lot of lucky experiences in concerts like meeting the bands in the hotel or in the airport or have their sign my Cds but I will write about that later :D